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会社概要/Company Profile

・名称/Name Office Ohsawa
・代表者/Represented by 大沢 知之 / Tomoyuki Ohsawa
・所在地/Address 〒145-0065 東京都大田区東雪谷3-8-3
8-3 Higashi-Yukigaya 3-chome, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan
・電話/Telephone 直通 03 3729 1470 / Direct +81 3 3729 1470
・E-mail (一般用/for general use)チケット専用/for ticket inquiries only)
Home Page
("Real & True" 関連事業のみ)
(covers only "Real & True"-related business)

*"Real & True" 関連事業 (当該ホームページ扱い)/
Business: "Real & True"-related business (covered in this home page)
concept planning and production of concerts

promotion of musicians, concerts and musical contents

・CD・DVD などコンテンツ企画、 制作、販売/
concept planning, production and sales of CD, DVD, etc.

・音楽関連マーチャンダイズ企画、 制作、販売/
concept planning, production and sales of music-related merchandise goods

concept planning, production of various promotional events, gatherings, shows, etc. not included in the above

consulting: music businesses, organizations, groups and individuals
Other business (not covered in this home page: please inquire)